Monday, September 24, 2012

The Green Project by Cormac

I am excited to share with you an email from one of our participants, Cormac (11).  With only 8 days until we start our Huckleberry Hill projects, ideas are starting to take shape.  


Some people believe that we will run out of oil in 18 to 20 years if we continue to use it at the rate we do today. All of our natural resources decrease everyday because we live in a world where people consume more than our planet can produce. People and institutions make choices based on convenience instead of deciding on what is really the best. These decisions create a problem for people's health as well as the planet.
This seems like an impossible problem to solve but there is another way. We can choose to do things to make it better for ourselves and the planet. 

I am working on an environmental project, The Green Project, that is designed to encourage people to live healthier and more environmentally aware lives. It is not supposed to make anyone feel badly about what they have done in the past. It is supposed to give them hope that they can change the future.

There are four phases to this project. I am in the first phase which includes researching what are some of the most common environmental problems that exist and their effect on people and the planet. The second phase involves working with local businesses and people who care about the environment to find planet friendly options that make choosing a greener life easier. The third phase will include working with volunteers to help them understand how they can change their life to make more environmentally conscious choices. Finally I will create a website that provides answers to environmental questions and hopefully be a resource that helps people make better choices. 

This is a picture of a business, Olive del Mondo, that has olive oil and vinegar in bulk. A person can buy it in glass bottles that may be returned to the store and used again
after they have been washed in a special machine that the owners purchased. The owners wanted a way to make their store a more environmental choice for people who wanted their products. Olive oil and vinegar may not be a local product but it can be purchased in a way that is less harmful to the environment. This is the type of business that I want to include on my website as a resource.

Olive del Mondo web site: 


  1. I love this project and I am honored to be a test family for it. I considered us to be a green family but I am realizing through Cormac, that there is much that can be done to improve upon what we are already doing. The best part is how good it feels to realize that I may have finally broke my paper towel addiction!

  2. This is a fabulous project Cormac! I need your services. I have also bought Skoy and am looking for some new ideas. Well done!
